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Re-Release: Home Alone Breakdown (Part 1 & 2) (Original Air Date: 12/20/2020)
Happy Holidays StoryOsophers! First things first, thank you all for the wonderful messages of curiosity regarding where the heck Adam and Devin have been. To make a long story short, they both needed to take a brief hiatus to work on projects, and also wanted to focus on getting version 1 of Story Bluprint ready […]
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Re-Release: National Lampoons Christmas Vacation Breakdown (Parts 1 & 2) (Original Air Date: 12/20/2019)
Happy Holidays StoryOsophers! First things first, thank you all for the wonderful messages of curiosity regarding where the heck Adam and Devin have been. To make a long story short, they both needed to take a brief hiatus to work on projects, and also wanted to focus on getting version 1 of Story Bluprint ready […]
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80: Pitch Materials
Which pitch materials should you focus on to summarize your story? Loglines, outlines, one-sheets, treatments, series bibles, poster art, and look books. Join Devin and Adam as they discuss how to summarize your stories on Storyosophy!
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79: Polishing and Wordsmithing
What can you do to diagnose and improve your scenes? How do you approach fine-tuning your piece? Why is wordsmithing, grammar, and punctuation so important? Join Devin and Adam for some StoryOsophy!
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Road Trip 1 – Autumn Updates
Greetings StoryOsopher’s! With the sudden impact of the COVID 19 pandemic, we have been adjusting to ensure we can continue producing StoryOsophy podcast episodes. The good news is, though we took a hiatus from recording, we have been hard at work getting version 1 of our Story Blūprint software ready for launch. To keep in […]
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78: Theme Builder
How do you determine what your theme is? How do you expand that idea and weave it into your story or first draft? What if you have more than one dominant idea? Join Devin and Adam for some Storyosophy.
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77: Scene Builder
In this episode we explore what to look for in building strong scenes. How do you fix a scene that isn’t working? How do you build a scene from scratch? What is your audience’s experience? Join Devin and Adam for some Storyosophy!
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76: Alternate Movement Structures
How can you use the movement system to break down, diagnose, and remedy story problems? How can you use movements to better develop an episodic series? Join Adam and Devin for some Storyosophy!
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75: Final Image, Final Words (Movement 6)
Why is the last thing your audience sees or hears so important? What can you do to make this event as impactful as it could be? Join Devin and Adam for some Storyosophy!
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74: Tying Up Loose Ends (Movement 6)
How do you bring closure and resolution to your story? How do you make sure all your setups have satisfactory payoffs? Next on Storyosophy. Join Devin and Adam for some Storyosophy!
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73: New Status Quo (Movement 6)
How has the Hero’s perspective changed about the World they left at the story’s beginning? Has the Hero transformed that world because of their journey? Join Adam and Devin for some Storyosophy!
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Story Breakdown: Home Alone (Part 2)
In this episode we conclude our breakdown of the Christmas classic “Home Alone.” Why is the climax of this movie so exciting and hysterical? How do John Hughes and Chris Columbus balance over-the-top hyperbole with emotional relatability. Join Devin and Adam for some StoryOsophy!
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Story Breakdown: Home Alone (Part 1)
In this episode, we begin our belated breakdown of the Christmas classic “Home Alone.” What makes this movie such an enjoyable holiday experience? Why do we love John Hughes as an expert story architect? Devin and Adam wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
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72: Road Back (Movement 6)
What is the Return like for the Hero? Smooth-going, bumpy, reflective? Do they Journey Home or stay in the new World? Join Devin and Adam for some Storyosophy!
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71: Objective Attained (Movement 6)
What is the result of your Hero’s choices in the Climax? Do they achieve their desired outcome or fail in their intended objective? Join Adam and Devin for some Storyosophy!
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70: Climax 3 – Now or Never (Movement 6)
What final “Do or Die” moment brings your Climax to a conclusion? Does your Hero have an ace up their sleeve? Or is it the Antagonist?
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69: Climax 2 – Breakthrough – Crossing the Fifth Threshold (Movement 5)
A quick apology to storyosophers. We ran into a major technical issue with our platform so this episode is a bit late to your ears. We do our best to release our episodes every week, but sometimes technology gets in the way. What pivotal revelation does your Hero discover? How does this “A-ha” moment reflected […]
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68: Climax 1 – Showdown (Movement 5)
How does your Hero respond to a face to face with the Antagonist now? Who has the upper hand in this moment?
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67: Enemies Gain Ground (Movement 5)
In this episode we explore the story event Enemies Gain Ground. How does your Antagonist corner or put more pressure on your Hero? How does your Hero respond to these higher stakes?
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66: Things Go Wrong (Movement 5)
In this episode we discuss the story event Things Go Wrong. What complications or disruptions happen to your Hero’s plan? How does your Hero approach these obstacles now after their discoveries from Act 2?
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65: Putting the Plan into Action (Movement 5)
How do your Hero, Allies, and Antagonist plan to achieve their goal once and for all? Do we know all of their plan or only part of it? Join Devin and Adam as they discuss the first story event of Act 3 and Movement 5… Putting the Plan Into Action.
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64: Re-choosal of the Quest – Fourth Threshold (Movement 4)
After some inner reflection, how does your Hero re-engage in their quest or journey? What is the threshold between Act 2 and Act 3 really about?
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63: Reassessment (Movement 4)
Now that your Hero has faced their inner light and dark, how do they now view their obstacles? How do they change their approach and thought process?
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62: Fall of the Heart Wall (Movement 4)
What wall has you Hero built around their flaw? How do they come to terms with it and disassemble this to find their true self and courage?
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61: Hero’s Darkest Moment (Movement 4)
In this episode we discuss the story event Hero’s Darkest Moment. How does your Hero face their Shadow or Source of Antagonism internally? What is this Dark Night of the Soul really about?
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60: Aftermath (Movement 4)
In this episode we explore the story event Aftermath. Now that your Hero has survived the threat of the Crisis and escaped, where do they find safety to recover? How do they recover? What new lessons have they learned?
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59: Escape (Movement 4)
How does your hero get away from the threat and dangers of the Crisis? Are they assisted by allies or do they go it alone?
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58: Crisis – Crossing the Third Threshold (Movement 3)
How do you navigate the Crisis of your story, the tipping point of your plot, your hero’s midterm exam? Will they choose fight, flight, or freeze?
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57: Approaching the Inmost Cave (Movement 3)
What obstacles and complications does your hero encounter as they near the tipping point of the story? How do these challenges build to the Crisis?
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56: New Direction (Movement 3)
How does your story’s quest or adventure open up here? How can you use it to provide a breathe of fresh before your crisis?
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55: New Discovery (Movement 3)
Now that things have calmed done a little bit, what new lesson or information starts our hero on their next build toward the crisis?
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54: Close Call (Movement 3)
How does your Hero react to crossing into the Danger Zone? Did they survive unharmed? What new realizations do they have? Join Devin and Adam as they explore the first story event in Movement 3, the Close Call.
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53: Crossing Into the Danger Zone – Second Threshold (Movement 2)
How does this threshold manifest itself? What challenges do you face? What is holding you back from change? Join Devin and Adam as they explore the Second Threshold of your story – Crossing into the Danger Zone.
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52: Approaching the Danger Zone (Movement 2)
How does your hero react as they near the second threshold of change? How do they negotiate their first encounters with the force of antagonism?
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51: Rules and Tools (Movement 2)
What are the rules of your story’s mythology? What tools is your hero introduced to in order to deal with the unknown world of Act 2? Though the Watering Hole event may raises the stakes by touching on the dangers of the Unknown World, the Rules & Tools event is our opportunity to equip our […]
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50: Watering Hole (Movement 2)
We celebrate our 50th episode by discussing one of our favorite story events…The Watering Hole! The Watering Hole event provides the opportunity to introduce the creatures who inhabit this Unknown World, whether they are humans, monsters or a variety of species like in the cantina scene of “Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope.” […]
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49: First Day of School (Movement 2)
The First Day of School is the first story event in Act 2 and Movement 2. How does your hero respond to the contrast of Act 2’s Unknown World they have just entered? Are they shy, afraid, boastful, foolish? What does this tell us about them?
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48: Crossing the First Threshold (Movement 1)
Now that your Hero has agreed to go on the journey, what is the Threshold from Act One to Act Two of your story? What contrasting elements help your audience to understand the difference between the known world and the unknown world?
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47: Choosal of Call (Movement 1)
After debating, what causes your hero to choose to go on their quest or journey? Is there a mentor or moment of raised stakes that is the catalyst for that choice? Our hero’s first true action, they make the decision in Choosing to Answer the Call to Quest. • This marks the beginning of change […]
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46: Refusal of Call (Movement 1)
Now that your hero has received the call, how do they answer it? Are they a willing Hero or do they have doubts and inner conflicts? Refusing the Call to Quest provides the opportunity to strengthen our Hero’s character as they are within their ordinary world, and shed light on their internal obstacle(s), definitely highlighting […]
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45: Call to Quest (Movement 1)
What quest, challenge, or invitation is presented to your Hero? What choices? How does it highlight the overall dramatic question of your story? Our hero must be presented with a challenge, and one that will create a necessity for our hero to have to decide, on their own, if they want to embark on such […]
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44: Inciting Incident (Movement 1)
What is the Inciting (or Exciting) Incident of your story? How does it set the entire story in motion or tip the first domino in your story’s chain of events? Our Inciting Incident is the moment the story “officially” begins and is set in motion. The Inciting Incident is the moment that changes everything for […]
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43: Known World Routine (Movement 1)
Where do they work or go to school? What is the status quo of your story world? Join Adam and Devin as they explore the second event in Act 1… Known World Routine.
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42: The Hook (Movement 1)
Why is the Hook your most important event of your story? What do you put in or leave out of your Hook? Devin and Adam explore the Hook in its many varieties – Prologue, Cold Open, Teaser, and more. #storyosophy #storyosophers
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41: Story Blūprint Overview
What are the events, movements, and acts of your Story Blūprint. What do you need to consider when creating your Blūprint? What are the important events of each movement? Join Adam and Devin for a basic summary of structure.
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Story Breakdown: National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (Part 2)
Season’s greetings, storyosophers! Where do you think you’re going? Nobody’s leaving. Nobody’s walking out on this fun, old-fashioned family Christmas. No, no! We’re all in this together. We’re gonna press on to Part 2 of our National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation story breakdown, and we’re gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced […]
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Story Breakdown: National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (Part 1)
Merry Christmas storyosophers! We’re kicking off our fun old fashion family Christmas by heading out into the country in the old front-wheel drive sleigh to embrace the frosty majesty of the winter landscape and listen to a couple story-lovin’ dudes talk about one of the greatest Christmas movies of all time… In this special holiday […]
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40: Movement 6 (Act 3)
Adam and Devin continue to talk about Act 3, by exploring Movement 6. What events take your hero from the climax to the resolution of the story? How do you tie up your loose ends?
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Campfire Chat 2: Youssef Kerkour (Part 2)
Devin and Adam conclude their conversation with special guest Youssef Kerkour (“Nightflyers.”) He discusses his work on the “Jack Ryan” series, Woody Harrelson’s “Lost in London,” and the new ScyFy series “Nightflyers.” Born and raised in Rabat, Morocco, Youssef speaks four languages fluently, including English, French, Italian, and Moroccan Arabic. In 1996 he attended Bard […]
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Campfire Chat 2: Youssef Kerkour (Part 1)
Special guest Youssef Kerkour (Nightflyers) talks about his early film and stage work in New York and in London with the Royal Shakespeare Company. Born and raised in Rabat, Morocco, Youssef speaks four languages fluently, including English, French, Italian, and Moroccan Arabic. In 1996 he attended Bard College in upstate New York where he majored […]
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39: Movement 5 (Act 3)
Devin and Adam begin to break down a story’s Act 3, by exploring Movement 5. Coming from Movement 4’s recovery, what events do you use to build to your story’s climax?
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Campfire Chat: Josh Stifter
Devin and Adam are joined by special guest Josh Stifter, an animator, writer, and filmmaker. He is here to talk about his film “The Good Exorcist” and his experience on Robert Rodriguez’s reality docu-series “Rebel Without a Crew” premiering November 18th.
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38: Movement 4 (Act 2)
What are the events that take your hero from the midpoint crisis to their self realization and recovery? Join Adam and Devin as they finish breaking down Act 2, by examining Movement 4.
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37: Movement 3 (Act 2)
What are the events that take your Hero from the Danger Zone to the Midpoint, the Crisis, the Tipping Point? Fight, Flight, or Freeze? Join Devin and Adam as they continue to breakdown Act 2, by exploring Movement 3.
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36: Movement 2 (Act 2)
What are the events that transition your Hero from the end of Movement 1 (Out of Comfort Zone) to the end threshold of Movement 2 (Into Danger Zone)? Why do we like to think of Movement 2 as the first day of school? UPDATE: It was brought to our attention that a section of this […]
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35: Movement 1 (Act 1)
What are the events that make up Movement One (or Act One)? How do these events translate into future acts and movements? Why is it important to keep Movement One as tight and clean as possible? Devin and Adam lay the groundwork for the events of Movement One.
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34: Acts and Movements
What is the importance of decision points and thresholds? How can you use movements to break down that daunting Act 2? What are the differences between 3, 4, and 5 act structures? Adam and Devin explore what acts and movements are made of.
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33: Scenes and Sequences
What are the elements that make up a good scene? How do you link scenes together to create a longer sequence? Devin and Adam discuss the building blocks of great scene building.
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32: Story Architects
In this episode, we continue our introduction to story structure. What are the different ways you can approach story structure? What does it mean to be a story architect? Devin and Adam discuss how to design and build your story’s structure.
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31: Introduction to Story Structure
Season Two begins! Adam and Devin embark on their exploration of story structure and its design. Master your storytelling structure! Why do storytellers struggle with story structure so much? How can you look at story structure as a freeing process rather than a limitation?
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30: Nonlinear Storytelling – Part 2
How do you alter the chronology of a story and still maintain its spine? What do you have to consider to effectively execute this unique type of storytelling? How do you do it without losing your audience? Adam and Devin finish their conversation about nonlinear storytelling.
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29: Nonlinear Storytelling – Part 1
What are the different ways you can alter the timeline of your story? How can you use this tool to explore the psychological landscape and perspectives of your characters? Devin and Adam explore nonlinear storytelling in this two-part episode.
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28: Flashbacks and Flash-Forwards
How do you effectively jump time in your story? What are the different ways you can use these tools to elevate your audience’s experience? Relatability, exposition, clues, set-ups and payoffs? Devin and Adam examine flashbacks and flash-forwards.
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27: Subplot – Part 2
How do you find strong subplots within the world of your story? How do manage subplots in stories with an ensemble cast like Stranger Things? Adam and Devin conclude their exploration of subplot.
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26: Subplot – Part 1
How do you differentiate between A-B-and-C stories? How do you use them in conjunction with each other to elevate the plot? How does it relate to theme? Devin and Adam discuss subplot.
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25: The Forces of Levity and Gravity
How do you use the forces of levity and gravity to create a more dynamic story? How does that balance of humor and drama give more perspective for your audience? How can it embolden your theme? Devin and Adam explore levity and gravity.
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24: Objects and Filmed Media
Devin and Adam continue their examination of symbolism in filmed media through set dressing, wardrobe, and props.
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23: Symbolism-Part 1-Objects and Allegory
What are the different forms symbolism can take? How do you tangibly represent the abstract like emotions, states of mind, and mystical ideas? Adam and Devin explore symbolism in this two-part episode.
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22: Reversals
Why are reversals important for an audience experience? What is the difference between a quick twist and a slow burn? How are they related to setups and payoffs? Adam and Devin talk Reversals.
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21: Mystery, Suspense, and Dramatic Irony
What is the difference between mystery, suspense, and dramatic irony? How do they relate to an audience’s perspective and experience? Devin and Adam investigate these three versatile tools.
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20: Resolution Part 2
Tune in for a good trick for your toolbox and examples of some not so conventional resolutions. Continuing from last week’s episode, Adam and Devin conclude their discussion on resolution.
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19: Resolution-Part 1
How do you dovetail all your story elements together at the end? How is a cliffhanger its own form of resolution? Devin and Adam explore resolution in this two-part episode.
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18: Setups and Payoffs
How do you foreshadow or setup something in your story to have the most effect when you pay it off? Do you pay off with a twist, turn, reveal, discovery, or realization?
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17: Dialogue and Subtext-Part 2
Devin and Adam conclude their two-part discussion about dialogue and subtext with some great examples and helpful tricks to write subtext easily.
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16: Dialogue and Subtext-Part 1
What is the difference between what a person is saying and what they are not saying, or saying beneath the surface? Devin and Adam discuss the value of great dialogue and subtext in this two-part episode.
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15: Character Arc
How is character arc different from the plot of a story? What makes a successful character arc? Adam and Devin continue their discussion about character transformations.
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14: Transformation and Catharsis
How are change, growth, and evolution vital to the characters of a story and their audience? Adam and Devin examine transformation and catharsis.
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13: Stakes
What is a character giving up and what are they gaining? What does it mean to raise the stakes? How do you raise them? Devin and Adam explore the “stakes” of a story.
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12: Tone, Style, and Genre
What is the tone or mood of a piece? How are you expressing your story? What is the overall voice? Adam and Devin examine tone, style, and genre.
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11: Theme
What is the storyteller trying to “say” in a story? How do they express that theme? How do they find a balance between too obvious or so subtle it is lost? In this episode, Devin and Adam explore these questions about theme.
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10: Plot and Structure
What are story events, scenes and sequences? Devin and Adam examine the core elements of plot within story and how to begin structuring.
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09: Setting
Where and when does a story take place? Is it set in the past, present, or future? In our world or in some fictional place? Adam and Devin explore how setting is one of the most important “characters” of all.
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08: Who Are You Listening To?
Now that we have a handful of episodes under our belt, we figure it is a good time to learn a little more about who you are listening to. Adam and Devin discuss their mysterious backgrounds and how they met. A get-to-know-ya meet and greet!
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07: The Six Types of Narrative Conflict
Adam and Devin discuss the six basic types of narrative conflict and examine examples of each in today’s storytelling. These narrative conflicts include: Person vs. person, person vs. society, person vs. nature, person vs. technology, person vs. supernatural, and most importantly, person vs. self.
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06: Conflict!
Is conflict necessary in story? Devin and Adam discuss/debate sources and forces of antagonism and the origins and nature of conflict in storytelling.
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05: Character Archetypes – Part 2
Allies, tricksters, shapeshifters, and shadows. Devin and Adam conclude this 2-part discussion about character archetypes.
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04: Character Archetypes – Part 1
Hero, herald, threshold guardian, and mentor. In this 2-part episode, Adam and Devin discuss and define character archetypes.
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03: What are Characters Made Of
Relatability, background, perspective, desires, and wants. Devin and Adam discuss characters and what makes them good and great.
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02: The Writing Process
Brainstorming and development, structuring, writing, editing, and feedback. Adam and Devin discuss aspects of the writing process.
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01: StoryKeepers
In this pilot episode, Adam and Devin discuss how to start a story and ponder the difference between a good story and a great story. What is Storyosophy? What’s a Story Keeper?
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About Us
Adam Jones
ADAM JONES (aka Docta Jones) is a writer, director, and actor from West Virginia. He began writing at three years old on a typewriter with no ribbon and started directing at age ten when his father got the family a video camera. Jones began acting on stage in his teens and has since acted in over thirty plays, twenty short films, and had major roles in feature films, most notably: “Empty Rooms,” “Cry Havoc,” “The Sunshine Deli and Grocery,” “Goddog,” and “Cross Eyed.” He also performed on TV in the History Channel’s “Hatfields & McCoys” and in AMC’s “The American West.”
Jones attended Bard College, where he scored two BAs in acting and writing and served as the head of the sound department for drama and dance performances for two years. After graduating, Adam worked as technical director and production manager for the Schoolhouse Theatre in New York, overseeing all elements of production for two full Equity seasons. While living in New York City, Jones worked in the art department on over fifteen studio films such as “Unfaithful,” “The Stepford Wives,” “The Interpreter,” “War of the Worlds,” “Doubt,” and “The Departed.” During his off time, Jones worked on independent films in a variety of departments, honing his craft as a director and his voice as a storyteller.
Jones’ feature film directorial debut “Cross Eyed” garnered several awards on the festival circuit including Audience Choice and Grand Jury. He has written several screenplays, teleplays, and stage plays and developed concepts for television series and video games. Jones co-hosts the podcast “Storyosophy” and offers script doctoring services to both writers and production companies as a freelance story consultant. A licensed hypnosis therapist in the QHHT technique, Jones’ love of metaphysics permeates his storytelling. For more information, visit www.DoctaJones.com.
Devin Halden
DEVIN HALDEN is an entertainment entrepreneur with focus on the production and distribution of media properties across multiple platforms. In 2005 Halden founded and was Executive Director and Programmer of Solstice Film Festival in Minnesota, a company he successfully made one of the top International film festivals for independent filmmakers.
In 2010 Halden stepped down as film festival Executive to launch and manage Pixovi Movie Network (PMN). PMN partners with content creators to deliver studio-quality content to internet connected devices. PMN’s business segments include consumer products, original series and feature films, digital publishing and interactive media.
Halden also founded StoryOsophy, a media company that develops web and mobile software applications for writers, filmmakers and other content creators. StoryOsophy also produces content and other tools that both entertain and assist all writers and content creators.
Halden has knowledge of both traditional distribution life-cycles and techniques as well as the new distribution plans that utilize new technology and media, and has laid the foundation for his blueprint for a successful independent film release that keeps the control of the IP and accounting in the hands of the producers and maintains transparency throughout the entire life-cycle of the film.