Month: December 2017

07: The Six Types of Narrative Conflict

Adam and Devin discuss the six basic types of narrative conflict and examine examples of each in today’s storytelling.

These narrative conflicts include:

Person vs. person, person vs. society, person vs. nature, person vs. technology, person vs. supernatural, and most importantly, person vs. self.

05: Character Archetypes – Part 2

Allies, tricksters, shapeshifters, and shadows. Devin and Adam conclude this 2-part discussion about character archetypes.


04: Character Archetypes – Part 1

Hero, herald, threshold guardian, and mentor. In this 2-part episode, Adam and Devin discuss and define character archetypes.

03: What are Characters Made Of

Relatability, background, perspective, desires, and wants.  Devin and Adam discuss characters and what makes them good and great.


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