Tag: story

43: Known World Routine (Movement 1)

Where do your characters come from? Where and how do they live? Where do they work or go to school? What is the status quo of your story world?

The Known World Routine event of your story is a great opportunity to show the audience your protagonist’s inner obstacles and issues they must overcome should they accept the Call to Quest. Join Adam and Devin as they explore the second event in Act 1… Known World Routine.

42: The Hook (Movement 1)

Why is the Hook your most important event of your story? What do you put in or leave out of your Hook? Devin and Adam explore the Hook in its many varieties – Prologue, Cold Open, Teaser, and more. #storyosophy #storyosophers

41: Story Blūprint Overview

What are the events, movements, and acts of your Story Blūprint. What do you need to consider when creating your Blūprint? What are the important events of each movement? Join Adam and Devin for a basic summary of structure.

Story Breakdown: National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (Part 2)

Season’s greetings, storyosophers!

Where do you think you’re going? Nobody’s leaving. Nobody’s walking out on this fun, old-fashioned family Christmas. No, no! We’re all in this together. We’re gonna press on to Part 2 of our National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation story breakdown, and we’re gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny f*cking Kaye.

In part 2 of this special holiday Breakdown episode, Adam and Devin conclude their discussion of the comedy classic “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” by examining Acts 2 and 3.

40: Movement 6 (Act 3)

Adam and Devin continue to talk about Act 3, by exploring Movement 6. What events take your hero from the climax to the resolution of the story? How do you tie up your loose ends?

Campfire Chat: Josh Stifter

Devin and Adam are joined by special guest Josh Stifter, an animator, writer, and filmmaker. He is here to talk about his film “The Good Exorcist” and his experience on Robert Rodriguez’s reality docu-series “Rebel Without a Crew” premiering November 18th.

38: Movement 4 (Act 2)

What are the events that take your hero from the midpoint crisis to their self realization and recovery? Join Adam and Devin as they finish breaking down Act 2, by examining Movement 4.

27: Subplot – Part 2

How do you find strong subplots within the world of your story? How do manage subplots in stories with an ensemble cast like Stranger Things? Adam and Devin conclude their exploration of subplot.

25: The Forces of Levity and Gravity

How do you use the forces of levity and gravity to create a more dynamic story? How does that balance of humor and drama give more perspective for your audience? How can it embolden your theme? Devin and Adam explore levity and gravity.

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