Tag: story

63: Reassessment (Movement 4)

Now that your Hero has faced their inner light and dark, how do they now view their obstacles? How do they change their approach and thought process?

61: Hero’s Darkest Moment (Movement 4)

In this episode we discuss the story event Hero’s Darkest Moment. How does your Hero face their Shadow or Source of Antagonism internally? What is this Dark Night of the Soul really about?

60: Aftermath (Movement 4)

In this episode we explore the story event Aftermath. Now that your Hero has survived the threat of the Crisis and escaped, where do they find safety to recover? How do they recover? What new lessons have they learned?

58: Crisis – Crossing the Third Threshold (Movement 3)

How do you navigate the Crisis of your story, the tipping point of your plot, your hero’s midterm exam? Will they choose fight, flight, or freeze?

55: New Discovery (Movement 3)

Now that things have calmed done a little bit, what new lesson or information starts our hero on their next build toward the crisis?

54: Close Call (Movement 3)

How does your Hero react to crossing into the Danger Zone? Did they survive unharmed? What new realizations do they have? Join Devin and Adam as they explore the first story event in Movement 3, the Close Call.

53: Crossing Into the Danger Zone – Second Threshold (Movement 2)

How does this threshold manifest itself? What challenges do you face? What is holding you back from change? Join Devin and Adam as they explore the Second Threshold of your story – Crossing into the Danger Zone.

52: Approaching the Danger Zone (Movement 2)

How does your hero react as they near the second threshold of change? How do they negotiate their first encounters with the force of antagonism?

48: Crossing the First Threshold (Movement 1)

Now that your Hero has agreed to go on the journey, what is the Threshold from Act One to Act Two of your story? What contrasting elements help your audience to understand the difference between the known world and the unknown world?

46: Refusal of Call (Movement 1)

Now that your hero has received the call, how do they answer it? Are they a willing Hero or do they have doubts and inner conflicts?

Refusing the Call to Quest provides the opportunity to strengthen our Hero’s character as they are within their ordinary world, and shed light on their internal obstacle(s), definitely highlighting their own uncertainty and lack of confidence in themselves to be able to embark on the journey presented to them in The call to Quest.
• Our Hero hesitates in their decision to heed the call to quest.
• Perhaps something happens that makes our Hero second guess embarking on the journey.
• Our Hero doubts themselves and their ability to physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually embark on the journey.
• Great setup opportunity to show our Hero’s arc in the end and how much they have learned and changed.

Debate (Internal and/or External): The debate is our Hero working through everything the herald character has presented them with. The debate is often more internal than external, and it’s our hero trying to weigh all of their options. Our Hero visits or is visited by something or someone that provides a new perspective that reinforces the importance of the journey.
•Our Hero realizes only they are supposed to go on the journey.
• Though doubt, fear and uncertainty still plagues our Hero.
• Can also include the Meeting with Mentor(s) scene(s).

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