Tag: story subplot

77: Scene Builder

In this episode we explore what to look for in building strong scenes. How do you fix a scene that isn’t working? How do you build a scene from scratch? What is your audience’s experience? Join Devin and Adam for some Storyosophy!

74: Tying Up Loose Ends (Movement 6)

How do you bring closure and resolution to your story? How do you make sure all your setups have satisfactory payoffs? Next on Storyosophy. Join Devin and Adam for some Storyosophy!

73: New Status Quo (Movement 6)

How has the Hero’s perspective changed about the World they left at the story’s beginning? Has the Hero transformed that world because of their journey? Join Adam and Devin for some Storyosophy!

69: Climax 2 – Breakthrough – Crossing the Fifth Threshold (Movement 5)

A quick apology to storyosophers. We ran into a major technical issue with our platform so this episode is a bit late to your ears. We do our best to release our episodes every week, but sometimes technology gets in the way.

What pivotal revelation does your Hero discover? How does this “A-ha” moment reflected within previous events in your story?

66: Things Go Wrong (Movement 5)

In this episode we discuss the story event Things Go Wrong. What complications or disruptions happen to your Hero’s plan? How does your Hero approach these obstacles now after their discoveries from Act 2?

61: Hero’s Darkest Moment (Movement 4)

In this episode we discuss the story event Hero’s Darkest Moment. How does your Hero face their Shadow or Source of Antagonism internally? What is this Dark Night of the Soul really about?

55: New Discovery (Movement 3)

Now that things have calmed done a little bit, what new lesson or information starts our hero on their next build toward the crisis?

53: Crossing Into the Danger Zone – Second Threshold (Movement 2)

How does this threshold manifest itself? What challenges do you face? What is holding you back from change? Join Devin and Adam as they explore the Second Threshold of your story – Crossing into the Danger Zone.

51: Rules and Tools (Movement 2)

What are the rules of your story’s mythology? What tools is your hero introduced to in order to deal with the unknown world of Act 2?

Though the Watering Hole event may raises the stakes by touching on the dangers of the Unknown World, the Rules & Tools event is our opportunity to equip our hero with some specific knowledge and tools they will need along the way.

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