Tag: story structure

40: Movement 6 (Act 3)

Adam and Devin continue to talk about Act 3, by exploring Movement 6. What events take your hero from the climax to the resolution of the story? How do you tie up your loose ends?

Campfire Chat: Josh Stifter

Devin and Adam are joined by special guest Josh Stifter, an animator, writer, and filmmaker. He is here to talk about his film “The Good Exorcist” and his experience on Robert Rodriguez’s reality docu-series “Rebel Without a Crew” premiering November 18th.

38: Movement 4 (Act 2)

What are the events that take your hero from the midpoint crisis to their self realization and recovery? Join Adam and Devin as they finish breaking down Act 2, by examining Movement 4.

37: Movement 3 (Act 2)

What are the events that take your Hero from the Danger Zone to the Midpoint, the Crisis, the Tipping Point? Fight, Flight, or Freeze? Join Devin and Adam as they continue to breakdown Act 2, by exploring Movement 3.

36: Movement 2 (Act 2)

What are the events that transition your Hero from the end of Movement 1 (Out of Comfort Zone) to the end threshold of Movement 2 (Into Danger Zone)? Why do we like to think of Movement 2 as the first day of school?

UPDATE: It was brought to our attention that a section of this episode was faulty, so we fixed it and uploaded a clean episode. Thanks for pointing this out!

35: Movement 1 (Act 1)

What are the events that make up Movement One (or Act One)? How do these events translate into future acts and movements? Why is it important to keep Movement One as tight and clean as possible? Devin and Adam lay the groundwork for the events of Movement One.

34: Acts and Movements

What is the importance of decision points and thresholds? How can you use movements to break down that daunting Act 2? What are the differences between 3, 4, and 5 act structures? Adam and Devin explore what acts and movements are made of.

33: Scenes and Sequences

What are the elements that make up a good scene? How do you link scenes together to create a longer sequence? Devin and Adam discuss the building blocks of great scene building.

32: Story Architects

In this episode, we continue our introduction to story structure. What are the different ways you can approach story structure? What does it mean to be a story architect? Devin and Adam discuss how to design and build your story’s structure.

31: Introduction to Story Structure

Season Two begins!

Adam and Devin embark on their exploration of story structure and its design. Master your storytelling structure! Why do storytellers struggle with story structure so much? How can you look at story structure as a freeing process rather than a limitation?

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