Tag: story symbolism

51: Rules and Tools (Movement 2)

What are the rules of your story’s mythology? What tools is your hero introduced to in order to deal with the unknown world of Act 2?

Though the Watering Hole event may raises the stakes by touching on the dangers of the Unknown World, the Rules & Tools event is our opportunity to equip our hero with some specific knowledge and tools they will need along the way.

44: Inciting Incident (Movement 1)

What is the Inciting (or Exciting) Incident of your story? How does it set the entire story in motion or tip the first domino in your story’s chain of events?

Our Inciting Incident is the moment the story “officially” begins and is set in motion.
The Inciting Incident is the moment that changes everything for our hero, and perhaps the other main character(s), and puts them on our stories path. The first domino is tipped and the story is set into motion.

23: Symbolism-Part 1-Objects and Allegory

What are the different forms symbolism can take? How do you tangibly represent the abstract like emotions, states of mind, and mystical ideas? Adam and Devin explore symbolism in this two-part episode.

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